The media is calling this, Christmas Week - and for some I guess it is. But for me this is the fourth week of Advent - Christmas Week is next week beginning with Christmas Morning.
Pedantics I know!
This week I have watched with interest as the NATIVITY is played out on BBC1 every evening - the notion that this story could be 're-worked' by a writer of soap operas filled me with not a little dread - however! It has been a revelation, running threads of individual stories- not just Mary and Joseph; but a lone shepherd struggling with life; the three Magi, filled with hope, curiosity, and awe; and King Herod, paranoid, untrusting and quite vile!
But more than any it is the story of the relationship between Mary and Jospeh that has had me most enthralled. I have spent many years pondering exactly the issues that have been playing out - how she would cope; her fears and his feelings of betrayal and grief. I am very much looking forward to the final episode tonight - when all will be revealed and all of the players will come together...
In addition to all of this, as I have shared my own reflections with various folks this week - from elderly dementia sufferers to a huge crowd of carollers - I have felt a bubbling up of joy and excitement. I love Christmas! I love the sense of joy and hope that the season brings, and I have been blessed this year with the anticipation of all that the New Year will bring - preaching for a new charge; relocating and planning for a wedding - not someone else's this time, but my own!!
All of this and a first Christmas with my lovely fiance - life is truly blessed!!
My soul glorifies the Lord!
and my spirit rejoices in God my Saviour!!