Sunday, 17 April 2011

from Hosanna to crucify...

Palm Sunday is done for another year - and so we begin this Holy Week
This morning we reflected on how quickly we can fall from grace
how quickly things can change
...and how to some eyes Jesus went from Hero to Zero in no time at all... and to some eyes it all went horribly wrong

This evening we filled the church with fragrance - and asked "Who is this man?" below is the reflection:
Who does he think he is?

Now look here!
Just who do you think you are?
You come and challenge everything we stood for, everything we knew
You call God, YAHWEH, your father –
How can you do that?!

Just who do you think you are?
Do you want me to think you are the
Chosen One?
Should I? Dare I?
What am I supposed to think?

Just who do you think you are?
The teachers, the upholders of the law, why do they fear you?
They are the clever ones – aren’t they?
They know the laws of God – don’t they?

Just who do you think you are?

Who do I think you are?

If I say it...
if I commit,
then what?

Who do I think you are?

You are a man – that’s for sure
but you’re more than that, aren’t you?

You have power, authority – where does that come from?
You wouldn’t answer them, but they knew...
didn’t they?

Who do I think you are?

You are the chosen one
You are the Messiah
The Son of Man
The Son of God

Who do I think I am?

I am one who put my trust in a man
I am one who joined crowds and cheered and waved
I am one who hid in dark corners when things got tough
I am one, known by the One,
My name is written on his hand

Who do I think I am?
I am one who waits
who fears
who hopes

What do you think of that?

who is He?
He is our Saviour!!

Friday, 8 April 2011


The trouble with blogging is that it is so often a bit reflective - which can come over as sad, or negative - or lonely
But actually for the most part it is happy - even if it doesn't always read like that

How do we define happiness? the things that cheer us? Bring us joy?
Being alone is not the same as being lonely
Reflecting is not the same as being miserable

Taking joy in springtime - in all the signals of new life and rebirth; the green shoots; buds appearing swelling growing
the mystery that is the turning of seasons - that brings a smile to the face and warms the spirit just as much as it warms the earth

Lent brings reflection almost automatically for some; it is a time of preparation; a time to get ready, to take stock and look forward
It is also important though to travel the path through the pain: for Lent is painful too.
The lectionary takes us on a journey, and if, like me, over the past weeks you have been concentrating on the Gospel Passages then there has been a symbolic journey through some very deep events: being born again; living water; spiritual sight; and finally this week returning from death itself.
I wonder how Lazarus felt?
Where he was for those 4 days?
Coming back to life
Leaving behind darkness, nothingness, returning to his beloved sisters and friends

Was he cheered?
Was he sad to be torn away from eternity?
Did he know it was not yet his time, that his death was a necessity to enable God's glory to shine?
As his sisters' tears turned from bitter sorrow to sweet joy - did he taste it too? Did he share in those tears?

Could he cheer?
Raise a glass to his own return?

As we feel the warmth of Spring Sunshine and the sprinkling of April Showers
As we walk through the season of new life and regrowth
Raise your glass - filled with the Water of Life - to refreshing and renewing our walk with the One who makes it all possible