We began in the village with a weekend of activity; roads closed, community worship, activities and fireworks... all to celebrate the 60 year reign of our Queen.
Fast forward 10 days and Olympic fever reaches the Borders; our little village one of those visited by the torch relay. What a day! Barriers along the High Street; no parking allowed; police patrolling the street... and as the time approached more vehicles than I ever contemplated. I have heard the vehicle cavalcade was going to be over 100 vehicles - and had assumed it was all exaggeration!
We began with some Police outriders; then 3 or 4 small buggy type vehicles playing loud music and giving away big blue rattly things; then a few more Police Motorbikes; then 4 big police vans with riot shields.
Then a wee Coca Cola bus; some more vans; more motorbikes....
then bigger buses... Coke; RBS & Samsung.... an Olympic mini bus, a big bus.... more motorbikes
some runners...
more bikes
another big bus and finally
the torch bearer!!
He passed through in a matter of moments (29 seconds to pass by where I was, I recorded it!) the cavalacade had taken more than an hour to make its way along our little roads and lanes!
was it all worth it?
You bet!!
The High Street was lined with pupils from our Primary and Secondary Schols, plus some from neighbouring schools not on the route
Folks lined the street, cheered and laughed and turned a cold, dreich day into a happy, warm community event.
What's not to like?!