Saturday, 6 June 2015

Tribute to Dad

He taught us well
Respect and humour
Love and curiosity
Equality, not that we knew what that was - just that everyone should do and learn the same. That we should all achieve our best, be our best, seek out the best.
He showed kindness and grace
He was sharp witted and quick tempered
Good with his hands, he crafted beds and boxes, shelves and cupboards
He restored bikes, and fixed our broken toys 
He taught us to swim in the sea, to love each other, to never take ourselves too seriously - laughter was never far away. 
Growing up, we would sit together at the table, us doing homework, dad working late into the night with work he'd brought home. 
Our holidays, our family meals were filled with laughter and noise and wit. 

He and mum have shown us life is all its wonder, their devotion to each other has been a shining example to us, his children, and to our children. 

His faith seemed unassailable. 
And he taught us of it, leaving each of us to find our own way into the world, our own ways of expressing life and eternity. 

In full health he was a towering strength for the family
He took such delight in his grandchildren, and was so proud of them. 
Always, he wanted to know what they'd done, where they were, what their plans were, his love was unstoppable. 

As his health began to fail,  he fought every step of the way. Determined that for as long as possible he would carry on as usual.
He achieved all he wanted to achieve. 
He showed us how to be. 

His grandson, George, who now lives in Canada, wrote of his granddad:
"Whether you knew it or not, you taught me the importance of being a gentleman. You were an amazing man, kind and patient. You will forever be in my heart, mind and spirit,
Rest in peace granddad"

J Bernard Marginson
22 July 1932 - 4 June 2015