Having just returned from a conference where I was privileged to be chaplain to my peers I am tired but still energised (a strange feeling indeed)
during our three days together, as well as reflecting on sharing, mentoring, and time we spent much time talking about our own experiences.
Ministers hold a unique position in the community they serve: we can enter most homes with ease; we are invited to share in the most profound of experiences: life and death and everything between.
And so often, these encounters are reciprocal. We learn of bravery and stoicism; of grace and love; of faith and the spirit.
As ministers we know this and when ministers gather we inevitably turn to sharing our experiences: the hilarity and the tragedy
and in that sharing we recognise godliness - God in Action - what a blessing new friends and thier stories are!
Lovely reflection, Julie. A good description of the joys of ministry....