Luke 18:31 - 19:10
We look, and look, and look, and simply cannot find what we
are looking for.
It may be because it’s a puzzle, like the crowded “Where’s
Jesus” picture
Or it may be that the one thing you are seeking is hidden in
plain sight among similar things – you can’t see the wood for the trees
Or, as is often the case; you’ve looked; but not quite well
enough, and it takes someone else to show you where the thing is. In our house
this happens most often with keys…
And sometimes, you are looking right at it, but you don’t
recognise it, because it doesn’t look like you thought it would.
Today we have three different descriptions of seeing and not
Jesus tells his friends, yet again, what is about to happen.
But they still don’t see it; they don’t understand, or won’t understand, or
simply cannot – they haven’t yet got to a place where they can see things for
what they really are.
And then we have the blind man – in Mark’s gospel he is named
as Bartimaeus, each of the three synoptic gospels has this healing of a blind
man, juxta positioned against the third prediction of Jesus’ fate.
The blind man, is not quiet; he is not submissive, or
passive; he is full on and aggressive. He has heard about this man; he sees the
truth already, even though he cannot see. And so he makes himself known; he
wants to stand out in the crowd. The crowd are having none of it and they try
to quiet him down; stand in front of him; obstruct in any way they can; they
have sight, but they do not see this man as of any importance; he is of no
significance in their eyes, so he is dismissed.
He will not be dismissed. He may not have sight, but he sees
the opportunity approaching.
And so, he shouts – loud and clear. And Jesus, hears, and
sees him for whom he is. “see! Your faith
has made you well” - and immediately he follows; he has seen, and he
And finally, the third part of today’s reading: the tax
collector – the lowest of the low; the despised one who is the tool of the
Roman oppressors; the tax collectors make their living by charging a percentage
extra on the taxes they collect; it is likely he had become rich by taking
advantage of those who were less able; and thus, he and his like were the most
despised – by both the Israelites and the Romans.
Zacchaeus just wanted a better view; no one was going to
allow him to see; or push him forward; they shunned him; ignored him. The only
way he knew to get over this was to go over their heads – literally!
Up the tree he goes. He wants to see Jesus; but Jesus has
already set his sights on him: and immediately calls him down; not only that,
he invites himself into his home!!
And all the people grumbled
"Doesn’t he know who this is?" "What this man is?"
"Can’t he see???!!"
And Jesus – who sees so much more than the rest of us; Jesus
who sees right into the heart of every situation; every person; every
individual… Jesus knows.
And immediately a great change comes over this rich little
man. He is transformed. Renewed.
He sees the world with new eyes; in new light; he sees life
differently. His promise is sincere, he will give to the poor and needy; and
repay all whom he has cheated – restoring balance; and he is found; he was lost
and is now seen again.
So often, we look and look, but what we see is not
necessarily what God sees; what we think we know, is not what God knows.
The gospels tell us again and again – to look deeper; to see
beyond; to seek God’s understanding. That is what Jesus came to do.
To seek and save the lost.
And, Jesus is still looking; still seeking lost souls; still
looking to us.
The disciples may have been witnesses and travellers on the
same road with Jesus; but they were kept from truly seeing; truly knowing until
the time was right.
Then they would be able to see much more clearly; to know
much more deeply; to truly understand what it was they had seen and heard.
So, they had a good reason for not knowing or understanding.
We, on the other hand, have no such excuse!!
Society judges by things; by possessions and power; by money
and wealth; by things that will pass away.
We, as followers of Jesus, need to remember and look deeper,
look beyond; see again, hear again – what Jesus taught.
To love God; to love each other as we love ourselves.
And, I have said it before; and I will say it again: if we
can do this; and show others how to do this – just imagine what we can do!
The answer is love. For with love we can do anything.
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Look and look again. There's a lady bug in there! (c) JRen2016 |
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