Sunday, 3 March 2019

From Mountaintop to Valley Below – walking in God’s Footsteps

Sermon for Transfiguration 3 March 2019   Exodus 34: 29-35; Luke 9: 28-36
“Some people come into our lives and quickly go. Some people move our souls to dance. They awaken us to a new understanding with the passing whisper of their wisdom. Some people make the sky more beautiful to gaze upon. They stay in our lives for awhile, leave footprints on our hearts, and we are never, ever the same.”― Flavia Weedn

Traditionally the Sunday before Lent begins is Transfiguration Sunday. Now, you may know exactly what this means; you may have an image in your head right now of a person transfigured…
But, before I ask you to picture that, let’s explore a little.
When I spoke earlier – we looked at light and brightness; we looked at shiny happy people
And I am sure when you heard the story of Moses coming down the mountain, his face shining brighter than  the people could bear, that some of you like me, thought of Charlton Heston, coming down the mountain in the classic film The Ten Commandments
I watched a clip of it during the week, and I was also able to imagine just how different that would be if they made the film again now – the special effects would be far greater I am sure!

Here we have two mountaintop experiences; encounters with the Divine. Life changing moments, snatched, glimpsed, stored away to be revisited time and again.
For Moses the change was permanent, the Exodus reading tells us that he had to speak to the people with a veil covering his face, and he only uncovered it went he went in to the tent to speak with God. Moses came down from the mountaintop, but even in the valley below, God’s presence stayed with him.

Some of us will have had the experience of being in the company of someone in whom we get a sense of the heavenly, the otherworldly, come to earth.
It may be difficult to pin down exactly what this person exudes that gives us this impression. But nonetheless we sense the presence of a certain holiness, a certain lightness of being that affects those with whom that person has contact.
There can be little doubt that Jesus had this affect on those who knew and followed him, but in this moment there is no doubting, no uncertainty for Peter, James and John.
They are assuredly in the company of the saints and life suddenly takes on a whole new dimension.
Empowered by this experience, not afraid any more the disciples must have felt they could do anything with Jesus.
But then they come back down to earth. They cannot stay on the mountaintop forever; they cannot freeze the moment in time. Life goes on, and they must descend.
Back down in the valley the disciples are confronted by their inadequacy in being unable to heal a young lad of the convulsions that were attributed to an evil spirit. They still have so much to learn…
Back down in the valley the Israelites cannot stay on track either – even with God’s commandments to guide; every time Moses went from them they lost faith, began to stray. The very reason they spent forty years wandering in the desert is because of their reluctance to follow and trust God, and God’s servant Moses.
And then, in full circle, as Jesus, on the mountaintop is revealed in all his glory, he is joined by Moses and Elijah. Moses, back on the mountaintop, encouraging and strengthening Jesus for the task ahead.
Earlier this week, as I was doing some preparatory reading. There was a suggestion made, that when Jesus went off to pray alone, maybe he met Moses and Elijah every time – it was just that this time he brought witnesses along.
It is an interesting thought. Jesus, joining the prophets of old, for encouragement; for support; to be fortified for the task at hand. For we cannot stay on the mountaintop – there is work to be done in the valleys below.

This has been a long season of Epiphany; the season of revelation, a time to reveal who Jesus is.
Week by week we have witnessed little by little, the signs of Jesus divinity; the wonder of his power, the revelation of his task.
Each of those moments were moments of transfiguration along the way.
This contemporary reading takes us back over the season and reminds us of those places where we have met and learned something, and been signposted to who Jesus is. When we realise what has been happening perhaps we see it not as a revelation, but more a revolution in the way God reveals the love offered for us all.
Not on a mountain-top but by the Jordan we saw the glory of God.It was a revelation as the Messiah showed himself not as being set apart from all of us but being baptised as one of us.God beside us, God one of us; this everyday epiphany is revolution.Not on a mountain-top but in the synagogue we saw the greatness of God.It was a revelation as his words filled us and called us into a new hearing; a word moved from promise to fulfilment; this everyday epiphany is revolution.Not on a mountain-top but in the celebrations of life the truth of God is revealed.This is a revelation where the best wine is kept till the very end, the fullness of flavour, the generosity of God, the final revelation becomes a revolution.Not on a mountain-top but on the roadways of the world glory is found.This is a revelation that Jesus has been revealed not in mighty cathedrals but on the roadways of life amid all who leave footprints in the dust and stoor of everyday epiphanies.This common revelation is heaven’s revolution. (Spill the Beans Issue 6: 2013)
This week Lent begins, the season of preparation in the run up to Easter; we will once again climb to the mountaintop: the hill of Calvary; the tomb of death and the mountaintop of resurrection.
For now, we must stay in the Valley: there is work to be done; but we know, the journey to the cross will take us to new heights, we can trust that God will walk with us, every step of the way – we are not alone.
As we go into our time of prayer, read now, those words I read right at the beginning:
“Some people come into our lives and quickly go. Some people move our souls to dance. They awaken us to a new understanding with the passing whisper of their wisdom. Some people make the sky more beautiful to gaze upon. They stay in our lives for awhile, leave footprints on our hearts, and we are never, ever the same.” ― Flavia Weedn

– from the mountaintop of  love, God leaves footprints of Godly love in our hearts and we are never the same again.

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