Yesterday I recieved my first Covid vaccination.
It was pretty much painless and straightforward. Arrive, check in, wait in line, called to a booth with a nurse. answer a few health questions. Then get your injection.
The blue envelope had arrived last week, so we had a good 10 days notice, easy to make sure the diary was free; I cannot think of anything that would have prevented me from attending.
When the envelope arrived I had tweeted a picture! It really was that big a deal; and almost immediatley I received a message from my contact in the church comms team: would I be willing to have my photo taken having my jag? Could it be used to help promote the notion of accepting the invitation to vaccination?
Naturally I agreed; it feels like the whole church has shared my Covid journey via the Fair Question interview I had, and a whole range of contacts that sprang from then.
I have catalogued my Long Covid journey, so yesterday was really the final chapter - or at least the beginning of the final chapter, dose two comes in May.
2021 has brought better health; my energy is back, my sleep pattern restored, I feel like myself again. I still have days when my phantosmia and parosmia are high... that's things smelling strange, or smelling things that are not there! phantom smoke is the strongest and coffee tasting strange.
So, I asked the nurse if I could take a picture of the jag? She checked with her manager, who not only thought it was a good idea, she came and took the photos for me!
I am amazed that there are people who are not taking up the invite. This vaccine is our hope for the future: people have used thier God-given gifts and talents to develop the vaccine so that we can be protected. It makes sense. It helps us, and it will in the long term help others.
Take care of yourself: keep safe and well. Take up the invitation for protection for you and those whom you love.
I am looking forward now to better days; to being able to see the family and our frends, to getting out and about and enjoying God's creation.
I am looking forward to throwing open the church doors and welcoming people back so that we can join together and sing praises to God.