Thursday 8 May 2014

Midweek Musings

Life with Purpose - reflection on Sunday's readings: Psalm 23; John 10: 1-10

What is your purpose?
Is it to love?
Is it to live a full and fulfilled life?
Is it to make money? Or be successful?

And, as you consider what your purpose may be... how do you measure it?
And what do you take as your guide, your route map? How do you choose how to live?

The bible has many rich images, indeed imagery is a great tool for us because when we can see something, either in the flesh or in our mind’s eye... it becomes more tangible, more real.
Jesus used imagery as a tool; he used images well known and understood in his day; and many of those have stood the test of time. The image of a shepherd, caring for his flock is one such.
But what is the shepherd’s purpose?
Protection; nurture; food and shelter... all very worthy and totally understandable. But that is only the tip of our Shepherd’s goal.
For he doesn’t only want us to be safe and cared for – he wants more! He wants better! He wants only the best... he is more than a hired hand, more than the familiar voice, calling us home.
He wants us to have life in all its fullness.
That is his plan and purpose for those who listen to his voice
Our purposeful life – is full and fulfilling
We cannot measure it by the world’s measure
We cannot quantify it by years, or cash, or goods, or the number of friends we have.
The purpose of life lived in Christ is so much more than that
The Psalmist wrote, thousands of years ago about what life with the Shepherd is like
A refreshed soul
Calm in the shadow of darkness
Riches of grace in the face of enemies
Goodness and love to fill our hearts to overflowing
And a place with God for eternity

Sounds like a purpose to me!

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