Matthew 5: 21-37
“You have heard it said, but now, I
say to you...” we continue our journey through the Sermon on the Mount, and we
reach some Very Hard Sayings... Jesus has now reached the discourses on the
Known as the
"Antitheses" each beings "you have heard it said.... But I tell
And it feels like a tall, tall
order. To be better, bolder, stricter, purer - more perfect than
Mary Poppins herself!!
It seems like an impossible task I
know, but, really what this is, is an exhortation to pray; prayer and more
And I’ll explain why!
Each section looks at particular areas of our
lives; and every one of them, is likely an area we are not at all comfortable talking
about; in fact quite possibly they are areas we don’t even admit to ourselves that
we encounter.
Each of these topics: anger, forgiveness, lust, adultery, divorce, swearing.... are subjects we are not comfortable with; they are personal, they stir up strong emotions; they can make us feel very uncomfortable.
Each of these topics: anger, forgiveness, lust, adultery, divorce, swearing.... are subjects we are not comfortable with; they are personal, they stir up strong emotions; they can make us feel very uncomfortable.
None of these are easy or simple;
none is a lightweight topic; and Jesus outlines the law in each case, but then
goes deeper, seems to make it harder – be proactive!
If the thought enters your head you’ve as good
as done the deed!
Don’t even try to do good things
if you’ve still left something else unsaid, undone, unsettled. Get on and sort
things out, don’t wait for the other person to act, to respond, settle things
as soon as you are able.
Don’t make a promise by God’s name
– because then you risk taking God’s name in vain... just keep your word. Your word
should be enough.
The context here is also important,
all of the elements about divorce and remarriage may sound odd to us; but these
laws were written at a time when a woman was property; she was bought for her
bride price and transferred from one clan to another; she had no rights of her
own; she had no property of her own – so wanting to possess a woman becomes a crime
of theft. Very difficult for us to comprehend as our society no longer views
any individual as property – woman or slave!
These sayings are not just about
our actions; they are about our thoughts, our motives, the way we respond and
our deepest feelings.
Jesus seems to be implying to the
disciples that it is not only their behaviour which will be judged, but their disposition;
their attitude – every thought that enters their heads!
And that feels as impossible now,
as it must have done back then.
I am sure you all know people who
say they don’t need formal faith or church, because they live right and they
are careful and kind and don’t harm anyone else.
To them - and to us when we feel
like that - Jesus is saying “Are you sure? You might not have acted on it - but
are you sure you have never felt such hatred - or lust - or....?” This should
cause anyone to stop and think - and realise that “there but for the grace of
We know people we look up to;
people who seem to us at least, to have strong faith lives; who seem to be gracious
under pressure, and who manage to live life on an even keel.
And this is where prayer comes
Now, it may well be that these
lovely people are genuinely holy - but as anyone who takes prayer and the
spiritual life seriously will tell you - one of the first things you encounter
when you pray seriously is your own sinfulness and unworthiness.
The reason people feel that they
can talk to such pray-ers is because they can sense that they have faced their
own particular “demons” and are still struggling to defeat them. They are not
complacent or smug - rather they take Jesus’ words seriously and do not fall
into the trap of thinking that because they haven’t committed grave sin that
they couldn’t.
They dedicate every part of their
lives in prayer.
Praying before you make a decision
Praying before a task – easy or
Praying for others, praying for
Praying on waking, praying as you
go to sleep
Praying without ceasing.
Jesus is not intending to hamper or limit life at
all; his encouragement to go deeper, think more, reflect and pray more is to be
enhancing, fulfilling, he is encouraging us to know ourselves better, and to
walk more closely with God
And all of this is made possible through these hard sayings, this perfect living, because it
reveals something else:
God's perfect forgiving love.
God's uncompromising forgiveness
God's perfect forgiving love.
God's uncompromising forgiveness
God’s unfailing wisdom
We may feel overwhelmed by the task ahead
But we can know we are never alone
We pray
We seek God
And we are reassured that, when we fall short, we are forgiven.
When we feel burdened
There is one who will share the yoke
We need not wail and moan
This is not a call to make life
This is a call to this simple,
profound wisdom:
Let your “yes” be yes
Let your “no” be no
Keep it simple
Keep it true
Let your “yes” be yes
Let your “no” be no
Keep it simple
Keep it true
You did in the sermon what you called them to do at the end: "Keep it simple; keep it true." Beautiful! Thank you, Julie.