Friday 5 July 2013

Friday Five Galship....

As many of you know, because I mention it often, I am a member of a 'virtual' community of (mostly) women clergy, clergy friends etc... called RevGalBlogPals...
This community of friends, who I really do consider friends, even though the vast majority I have never met, exists in the UK, the USA, Australia and various other places around the globe.
We offer each other love, support, prayer, advice and simple companionship along the way.
I was trying to work it out, I've been a member since I started regular blogging again, so around a couple of years I think.

This week, we were asked on Wednesday to say what "Galship" meant to us (like fellowship/ friendship.. but with the Gals!) - well I actually blogged about this back in March (Strength in Numbers), it gives me strength, it gives me courage, it allows me to stop and check every once in a while.
The Scottish girls & friends managed to meet last year and this for a meal and a blether; and hopefully one day, one day I'll make it over to the USA for the Big Event... a week of galship, teaching and fun - on a cruise ship - what's not to like?!!

Every week there are regular spots - including my own personal lifesaver- the 11th Hour Preacher Party... Saturday morning would not be the same without it!
Every week on a Friday is the Friday Five - an online game - five questions to fill in... I've never played.
 But, since over the next few weeks, I won't be posting the sermon (because I'm not preaching!) I thought I'd have a go this week!

Ha!! First question is- how do you celebrate your Big National Holiday - in honour of Independence Day.
Can I fall at the first hurdle??!!!
Do we have a national holiday in the UK? in Scotland?
We celebrate Christmas - but then so does half the rest of the world
In Scotland Hogmanay (Dec 31)  is possibly the closest we get - but I don't really do much for that....
In my family it's probably special birthdays, anniversaries, occasions... the excuse for a gathering.
And that we do in style!
Me with my parents, brother & sister

My parents with all their grandchildren

Last year it was my Dad's 80th birthday
This year my niece's Wedding...
Four years ago - Mum & Dad's Golden Wedding anniversary....

All times to get together, share food, memories, laughs, joy, sadness - and love - lots and lots of love.
I may have grown up; with grown up kids; I may live a long way away from where I was raised, but my family - my sons, and now, their girls; my siblings, their children, my parents and all - are a vital part of what makes me  - me.

So today's Friday Five / Galship offering isn't that!!

But instead a tribute to the Gals, the family celebrations - reflecting on the fun and looking forward to many more years of the same...

I am a RevGal, a mother, a daughter, sister, aunt and friend

Loving Life!!


  1. Julie, I love your sort-of-play! And you've taught me something about your homeland... no "Big National Holiday!" That was one of my goals in writing this Friday Five... realizing I knew little to nothing about the national celebrations of other countries. Your family celebrations sound lovely, and I am so glad you are a RevGal!

  2. love your reflection on family and found-family! And hmm...Scotland's big holiday...good question! Maybe the whole Robert Burns thing. ha! ;-)
