Friday 14 November 2014

Ripples on a pond

have written about the ripple effect before
In a different place and time
Ripples are especially noticeable in a small community
Where everyone really does know everyone else.
To one extent or another.

A week ago, 
Just seven days ago
I got a call telling me of a sudden death
It took my breath away!
This was a woman so full of life that to think of her gone was really difficult to absorb.

It soon became clear, that others needed to know this news
Needed to hear it in a gentle way
Not from the newsfeed, or radio broadcast

Thus started the hours of repetition.
Each time, telling the news
Each time, sitting, holding a hand
Keeping the silence
Answering questions as I was able

Making plans next
Meeting her family - stunned
Holding her best friend - heartbroken
Supporting any who needed it, in whatever form. 

Here we are a week later.
The full, busy week, centred on meetings and conversations. 
And in between, carrying on, doing the stuff of ministry.
Comforting the bereaved
Writing prayers
Planning worship
Reading committee papers
Fixing diary dates

Still the ripples go
The funeral arrangements were made
So, the notice goes to our church Facebook page
(As is the norm)
Within hours, the 'reach' was over a thousand....
This has never happened before.

It's been two days, the post has been shared more than 30 times
The reach is almost 4000! 
Hardly, it feels more like a tidal wave! 
Waves of emotion

Jennifer was a teacher, a singer, a first aider.
She was a friend, a confidante, a listener.
She was vital, and lively, and enthusiastic,
She was thoughtful, kind and compassionate 

And she was loved
And she will be missed

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